   PO Box 1709, Garden Grove, CA 92842
   (714) 786-8004

Board Members

Brian Stroud

Sergeant Stroud has been a sworn member of the Garden Grove Police Department since 2017 and was previously an Officer at the Tustin Police Department since 2005, where he served as Vice President on the TPD Association Board. In addition to patrol, he has worked as a Gang Detective, Field Training Corporal, Property Crimes Detective, and is currently a Patrol Sergeant. Sergeant Stroud is serving his third term as President of the Garden Grove Police Association Board.

Jeff Brown

Vice President
Sergeant Brown has been a sworn member of the Garden Grove Police Department since 2007. He has worked several assignments including Patrol, SWAT and the Special Investigations Unit. He is also currently in charge of our department Peer Support Team. He was promoted to Sergeant in 2018 and is currently the Sergeant of the Special Response Team (SRT). Sergeant Brown is serving in his second term with the Garden Grove Police Association Board.

Raul Murillo

Master Officer Murillo has been a sworn member of the Garden Grove Police Department since 2010. He has worked several assignments including Patrol, Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Task Force and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Task Force. He was promoted to Master Officer in 2016 and is currently assigned to the Patrol Bureau as a Field Training Officer (FTO) and is also a member of the Hostage Negotiations Team (HNT). Master Officer Murillo is serving in his first term with the Garden Grove Police Association Board.

Eric Ruziecki

Master Officer Ruziecki has been a sworn Police Officer since 2010, starting with the Montclair Police Department and lateraling to the Garden Grove Police Department in 2017. During his time in Montclair he worked several assignments including Patrol Officer, Gang Investigator and Detective. While at the Garden Grove Police Department, Master Officer Ruziecki has worked as a Patrol Officer and is currently assigned to the Special Investigations Unit as a Narcotics Investigator. Master Officer Ruziecki is in his second term with the Garden Grove Police Association Board.

Bryan Meers

Corporal Officer Meers has been a sworn member of the Garden Grove Police Department since 2009. He has worked several assignments including Patrol, Special Resource Team (SRT), Detectives (Inv) and SWAT. He was promoted to Corporal in 2022 and is currently assigned to Patrol. Corporal Meers is serving in his second term with the Garden Grove Police Association Board.

Danny Mihalik

Board Member
Detective Danny Mihalik has been a sworn member of the Garden Grove Police Department since 2012. He is currently assigned to the Neighborhood Traffic Unit as a Detective investigating major injury and fatal collisions. He has worked several previous assignments which include patrol officer, motor officer, and motor training officer. Detective Danny Mihalik is serving in his first term with the Garden Grove Police Association Board.

Ralph Lee

Board Member
Master Officer Lee has been a sworn member of the Garden Grove Police Department since 2013. He has worked several assignments including Patrol, Special Resource Team (SRT), and the Neighborhood Traffic Unit (NTU). He was promoted to Master Officer in 2022 and is currently a motor officer with NTU. Master Officer Lee is serving in his first term with the Garden Grove Police Association Board.

Ben Elizondo

Board Member
Corporal Elizondo has been a sworn member of the Garden Grove Police Department since 2013. From 2017 to 2022, he was assigned to the Gang Suppression Unit (GSU) where he worked as a gang detective. He then returned to the Community Policing Bureau where he is currently a Field Training Officer (FTO). He was promoted to Corporal in the summer of 2023. Corporal Elizondo is serving his first term as a GGPOA board member.